Novinky : LAB-N153054

LAB-N153054 - UV vytvrzovaný protiskluzný lak

LAB-N 153054 is a new UV curing varnish which forms a very soft and elastic film. Due to these properties this varnish is suitable for a variety of interesting screen printing applications such as adhesive coatings for window glass foils or anti-slip coatings for mouse-pads and trays.

With increasing layer thickness the properties of the anti-slip coating become more distinct so that screen fabrics of 120-34 to 24-140 are possible.

For curing an energy of approx. 250-m300mJ/cm² is necessary. After curing the varnish post-cures, therefore an assessment of the coating should be conducted after 30 or better 60 minutes at the earliest.

Suitable substrates are thermoplastics such as PVC, polycarbonate or polystyrene.

Anti-slip varnish LAB-N 153054 can be modified by addition of a soft component with the name LAB-N 153054/A.

sítotiskové barvy HG,CX,CP,MI,SG,YN,Z,ZGL,UV,UVP,UVN,UVGL,UVGS, tampotiskové barvy TP218,TP219,TP300,TP313,TP260,TPPP, ředidla a zpomalovače ZMA,ZMB,ZMC,ZMU,TPD,VZ05,VZ10,VZ20,VZ25,VZ30,VZ40,VD10,VD20,VD30,VD40,VD50,VD60 emulze YC4001,GHS,YA108,YG201,YG205,YG545, lepidla na rámy YC1002,YC1006